Sunday, July 27, 2014

Missing them

I'm always telling my little sister to be happy with what she has. Example, she says "I want to stay at my best friends house all day" to which I respond "you just spent all morning with her, be appreciative of what you have!"
Maybe I should start telling myself that and let my sister be a kid. 
One of my dear friends visited me this weekend and I find myself wanting ALL of my friend family back in Iowa. Selfish.

I want things when it's obviously not my time to have them. I'm not sure why I want them but I do.  
Why can't I be happy with what God has given me? 
I keep coming back to that quote something like "remember the things you have now are once things you wished you had" I can't remember how it goes and frankly I don't care enough right now to look up the quote. I'm trying to be thankful for what I have. Sometimes it's hard to be satisfied when it feels like so many people have what you want. 

Right now I miss my dear friends. Miss the relationships that we had pre-still birth. Miss the closeness that we all shared. The ability to just be us. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Movie theaters

Tonight we went to a movie in the theater. Now I'll be honest with you, I have a slight fear of movie theaters (ever since the shooting in Colorado). I know most of you will just roll your eyes at me or say "that's dumb, do you know the chances of that happening to you?" Well guess what, it doesn't matter I still have a nervousness. Mix that in with not liking crowds, not liking to pay 9.75 or whatever a ticket costs these days, and the slight guilty feeling of wasting 2 hours watching a movie. 
Tonight, in our row, but the opposite side, a young guy had a seizure during the movie. At first of course no one knew what was going on and panic ensued. Someone jumped out of her seat and ran past us crying, someone jumped over a seat and then shortly someone yelled seizure and a nurse in the theater went over to help him while someone ran and got the cop on duty and others called 911. It was a very eventful probably 2-5 minutes of panic and unknown-ness (meanwhile the movie is still rolling and the lights are still dimmed). I sat by, unable to do anything feeling somewhat helpless and realized "I can Pray!" So that's what I did! 
The young man started relaxing and coming back to as the EMS got there and they wheeled him out, I'm pretty sure he'll be ok. 
What an eventful movie showing, I think I'm done with theaters. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Life is beautiful

Why is it so hard for people to see the beauty in life? 
And furthermore how can people deny a Creator? 
I LOVE studying living things. I love marveling at how everything is perfectly CREATED to work in just a way that causes said living thing to live. 
From the life cycle of a worm to the development of a baby in utero it's all BEAUTIFUL and causes my heart to worship my God, The Creator of LIFE. I pray that you, dear reader, know and worship with me tonight the Creator of Beauty... The Creator of Life! 

Anxiously waiting for this beauty to appear!