Thursday, February 5, 2015


As time goes on, both without Ember and seemingly without children... I often feel like I never had a baby (these are times that stretch marks are handy! Proof that a baby grew in there!) I feel like maybe it was all a dream... Like my desires for children were made up and maybe I'll be just fine without living children. But then something will randomly hit me right in the gut and I'm left breathless or in tears. Thinking about what might have been. You know she'd be working on 2 years old here pretty soon. She'd be talking some, walking well... 
She existed (and exists in heaven). She wasn't a dream. 
I  obsessed with forget-me-nots this year. Such cheery little things. I can't wait till it warms up and I can plant a whole lot of them in honor of all the souls not forgotten in my life.