The last time my body felt like this, I had no baby to give my milk. This time my body continues to amaze me as I provide nutrients to my baby.
The last time my body felt like this, sleep was my only relief. This time sleep is sparse but I don't even care.
The last time my body felt like this, I longed to hear a cry. This time my baby's cry is a continuous reminder, this baby is alive.
The last time my body felt like this, I felt betrayed by a broken body. This time I am thankful for the miracle that proves my body is just fine.
The last time my body felt like this, the mirror reflected defeat. This time the mirror reflects hope.
The last time my body felt like this the marks on my body reminded me of a battle fought with, mind, body, and soul. This time... Nothing's changed.
The last time my body felt like this I mourned because my baby died. This time I rejoice because my baby is alive.
We'll always miss you, Ember.