Friday, May 30, 2014


A year ago today I was anxiously awaiting my baby shower with all my great friends. Mom, little sister, and baby brother drove 18 hours to be a part of it/help host it. We were all tuckered out from a day shopping and preparing what we could. 
It's so weird trying to look back and remember how my "innocent" self felt. Plans and hopes for the future, excitement, nerves... Happiness. 
Ironically I remember being so nervous for everyone else that was pregnant along side me "I hope their pregnancies go well" or "I hope their baby is healthy" I thought those things because; wouldn't I'd be horrible to be pregnant along side so many friends and loose your baby or have something go wrong? Little did I know in just a few short days I'd be the one hearing those life changing words. 
Weird how life goes so opposite of what we "plan" sometimes.
I scrapbooked the few pictures I have of Embers time on earth. Not enough to fill a scrap book or a baby book and yet such a huge part of my life... 

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