Saturday, August 10, 2013


Today I was driving through an insane rainstorm, over a bridge that's crosses a lake. So basically I was surrounded by water. I'm extra paranoid these days and I was positive I was going to fall off the bridge to my sure death. Plus I was driving my dads truck which makes me ten times more paranoid because I don't want to wreck that beautiful thing! Anyway it was a stressful bridge crossing, then all of a sudden it stopped completely and was fine. The last bit of the bridge was completely dry and as I was waiting to turn an a stop light right in front of me formed a beautiful full rainbow! I could see the bottom of it even (I looked for gold but alas it must have been on the other end). I was ok with no gold though because I loved the symbolism I drew from it. Hope that after a scary stretch of stormyness comes beauty. Hope that God will show Himself to me if I've lost sight of Him. Hope, just hope is enough. 
Rainbows have started to mean so much more to me than they did previously. I've talked about them a lot on Facebook and God has been gracious to me in showing me at least one a week ever since my baby left my body. I'm grateful for them. In my head they connect me to her a little bit, my little symbol that Gods got her but He's also watching out for me and letting me know it'll be alright. 

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