Wednesday, October 2, 2013


2. Identity: What is your child’s name? Why did you chose that name? What is the meaning of their name? If they were born, what were their birth details. What were their features? Who are they?

Ember Rose was chosen before I was ever even in a relationship. Luckily Husband liked it too. My middle name is Rose (after my nana) and I wanted that continued. 
Ember means just what an ember is a spark burning low. I was hesitant when I was pregnant (before we knew if she was a boy or girl) that a daughter named Ember might be a rambunctious spit fire of a child. Little did I know Ember meant my little baby was a spark burning low, fighting for life from around 3 weeks on.
She was born June 5th, this year about 3 days after her body stopped. She was born breech, in a hospital completely opposite of what I ever imagined in a birth story for me. 2lbs 10ozs 12 3/4 inches long.
She looked exactly like her daddy, in fact watching her dad sleep now sometimes reminds me of her. I'm still obsessed with her button nose. 
She hated chicken but loved BBQ and soup. She had a personality that husband and I knew very well. We keep a lot of her memories stored up for just us three. She was ours for 7 months but the memories are ours forever. 

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