Sunday, October 27, 2013


Lately I've been uninspired by the project headlines. I have, however, been doing some of my own reflection and I've learned that, I like the person my baby's life has turned me into (for the most part, more about that later).
The Lord has taken this event and changed me in ways I didn't even realize I could be changed. I'm aware I have a long way to go and who knows in a couple weeks I could be very unhappy with the person I'm becoming. But right now I'm pleased. 
I appreciate people more (though I still do a poor job showing it). 
I appreciate God more and notice more of the "little things". 
I have compassion (sometimes more than others). 
If we go on to have living children I [think] I will slow down and show them the little things more. 
I'm more open to different future possibilities. Before my dream (and therefore concrete plan) was to be a mom and have children. Now I realize that's not the only dream/plan available to me. 
The list goes on. 
There are things I want to work on and that is my fear and anxiety. Though I struggled with them before Ember the problem has increased. since I've become a "statistic" I realize that I can't and won't always be the "normal/average/chances are everything will be fine" person. At some point everyone, in some way, is the "minority/rarely/statistic that scares you" person. And that's just life here on earth. 

To live [or to die] will be an awfully big adventure (To paraphrase Peter Pan). And I am certainly glad that on this adventure I have my family, friends and most of all an Unchanging God. 

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