Friday, March 20, 2015

Looking back

Timehop has been reminding me of my pregnancy with Ember a lot lately. Things that I have forgotten or not thought about for 2 years. It's interesting to see what day/memory brings up what emotions. Mostly I'm thankful to be reminded. Sonetimes it's hard to think back to my innocence then... My selfishness, my confident self. 
Sometimes I worry that people are thinking "get over it, it's been two years" but then I think "you talk about your kids all the time, give me break for mentioning what I can about my short time being a mom." These thoughts are not aimed at anyone person... Just thoughts. 
Sometimes I think "it's been two years, move on."
I feel emotionally drained for many reasons tonight and if I could I would turn myself into a cocoon, spend the whole weekend renewing and  be a completely new, refreshed, different being on Monday. 
A girl can wish, right?